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Vysielané relácie na tv stanici Discovery Science najbližších 21 dní
Above And Beyond
Alaska Mega Machines
Alien Highway
American Titans
Blowing Up History
Building Germany
Codes and Conspiracies
Cooper\'s Treasure
Curse of the Bermuda Triangle
Dino Hunters
Extreme Engineering
Houdini\'s Last Secrets
How Do They Do It?
How It\'s Made
How the Universe Works
How to Survive an Asteroid Strike
Incredible Engineering Blunders
In Search Of Monsters
Killers Of The Cosmos
Legendary Locations
Mummies Unwrapped
Mysteries Of The Deep
NASA\'s Unexplained Files
Paranormal Declassified
Richard Hammond\'s Big
Savage Builds
Secrets Of The Underground
Secret Space Escapes
Space Launch
Tesla\'s Death Ray
The Alaska Triangle
Truth Behind the Moon Landing
You Have Been Warned
Relácie ktoré boli vysielané na stanici za posledných 90 dní
Everest\'s Greatest Mystery
Expedition Bigfoot
Expedition Unknown
Loch Ness Monster
Lost Beasts of the Ice Age
Man v Expert
Morgan Freeman\'s Through The Wormhole
Mysteries of the Missing
One Giant Leap
Space\'s Deepest Secrets
The Explosion Show
The Lost Lincoln
Unexplained & Unexplored
Valley Of The Kings
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
X-Ray Mega Airport
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