Ernest a Rebecca

MiniMax, 08.11.2023, 01:15

During preparations for Grandpa\'s birthday, Ernest accidently tastes chocolate. It triggers a bizarre reaction: he sneezes and two mini-Ernest pop out of him. The same thing happens when in turns the mini-Ernests taste chocolate. These four newborn cute little creatures are the \"Tchums\". But they have to be hidden from Freddy and Coralie. Rebecca is busy with other things and asks Ernest to take care of them. However, the Tchums are uncontrollable and risk giving themselves away. Rebecca gets mad at Ernest for taking bad care of them, according to her. Ernest reacts angrily and incites the Tchums to reveal themselves to Freddy, who imagines he\'s seeing monsters. Rebecca scolds Ernest, who feels rejected and leaves home…

Originálny názov: Ernest & Rebecca
