Ernest a Rebecca

MiniMax, 04.10.2023, 01:25

Rebecca receives a birthday present from Mom: a splendid scooter and she explains to Ernest what a present is. Wanting to give her one, he \"gives\" her… a cold! Mom takes Rebecca to the doctor. As they return home, Rebecca learns that a burglar is breaking into all the houses and stealing stuff. She is very worried about her scooter and Ernest about the present that he has finally planned for her. When they see a figure, Ernest and Rebecca are convinced it\'s the burglar. Despite being scared, they devise a number of traps, attack and pursue the \"burglar\" when he flees. But it\'s only Freddy, Coralie\'s boyfriend, who wanted to surprise her at home. Rebecca then realizes that Ernest has been robbing the local homes to provide her with a present from him.

Originálny názov: Ernest & Rebecca
