Marsupilami, Houba Houba Hop!

MiniMax, 11.12.2023, 02:30

Hector has had enough of Aunt Diane\'s exotic organic cooking. Her meals are pretty depressing. Taken aback, Aunt Diane decides to study the cookbooks written by the famous chef, Ursula Izycook : « 100 simple, organic, family-style dishes THAT ARE NOT DEPRESSING », or the more obvious « Make organic cooking more fun! ». It turns out Ursula Izycook is Felicia Devort\'s mother. She’s come to Palombia, much to her daughter\'s chagrin, to begin work on her new book, « 365 days of exotic organic meals ». Felicia orders Stroy and Blueprint to escort her mother to the jungle for her research. In a passing aside, she mutters something about hoping her mother will get lost in the jungle. Overhearing this, her two henchmen take it literally, and they abandon Ursula Izycook in the wilderness. Marsu finds her and brings her to camp. Her talented cooking transforms the next few days into a nonstop, culinary extravaganza. Ursula develops her idea for her cookbook with Aunt Diane\'s help, and she invents a new dish, Izycook stew, which quickly becomes the marsus\' favorite dish. But all good things must come to an end, and Ursula eventually goes back to her daughter\'s house. Hector and Marsu are nonplussed when they find out that Felicia Devort has such a delightful mother.

Originálny názov: Marsupilami, Houba Houba Hop!
